
The youth ministry at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church exists to equip and empower youth (grades 6-12) – in and through Christ – to grow in their faith and love for God, His Church, and all people; and to become fully-devoted, world-changing Christ-followers. We do this in support of and collaboration with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church’s mission of “Building up God’s people, through His Word, for His world.”

 Our mission and vision sprouted from Paul’s instructions to the leaders of an early Christian church. He writes in his letter to them…

[Our] responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ. Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. – Ephesians 4:12-16 (NLT)

Paul may not have had youth ministry in mind when he wrote this letter, but his instructions were relevant and clear: Grow! The life of a Christ-follower is an ongoing journey of growth – of growing into the person – and the people – God desires us to be. To be sure, “…growing in every way more and more like Christ…” doesn’t just happen. It takes dedication. It takes persistence. It takes intentional – even, at times, sacrificial – commitment. It takes practice. Youth ministry is ultimately a practice – one in which we invite and encourage youth to “practice” the way of Jesus – a life that reflects who we are, whose we are, and who we were created by God to be. Our practice – what we do and why do what we do – is an effort to help every youth be planted, be nurtured, and be transformed; so that they may be equipped and empowered to plant, nurture and transform.

Good Shepherd's youth ministry...

... wants to see every youth become a fully devoted, world-changing Christ-follower.
... sees that the best way for that to happen is for youth to be in an active relationship with Christ, the Church, and other believers.
... believes that an active relationship includes: experiencing community (fellowship); knowing Jesus (learning); building the kingdom (outreach); raising praises (worship); and sharing the love (service).
... seeks to meet the spiritual, emotional, and social needs of youth while encouraging a lifestyle that reflects their identity in Christ.
... offers engaging events, opportunities, and environments for teens in grades 6-12 to connect with others, grow in their faith, and be transformed through an active relationship with Christ. 

Our two youth group environments are: MSM (Middle School Ministry - Grades 6-8) and HSM (High School Ministry - Grades 9-12). Events and opportunities for these two groups are planned throughout the year. For more information about youth ministry at Good Shepherd, contact Holly Vanderhoof (Youth Ministry Facilitator) or read about MSM and HSM in other sections on this page.


Grades 6-8

All middle school age youth (grades 6–8) are encouraged to be a part of MSM (Good Shepherd’s Middle School Ministry). Activities are limited right now, but when we start gathering again, here are some events you can expect.

Monthly and Annual Events

There are many activities and events planned throughout the year for the middle school youth. Such events include the the Youth Quake in Baltimore, MSM Youth Nights, and much more.


Confirmation, our two-year faith-affirmation program, is composed of twelve modules (classes) that cover the essential parts of Luther’s Small Catechism and fundamental aspects of the Christian life. These modules are designed to relay information and at the same time allow for students to openly discuss and connect with what they’re learning. Modules 1-6 will be covered during Year A and modules 7-12 will be covered during Year B. All students (in 7th grade or beyond) who desire to be confirmed must complete all twelve modules.

These modules are offered in a hybrid format this year, with in-person and videoconference attendance. Class dates and times, once scheduled, are subject to change. Email the Church Office for more information. Stay tuned for more information in early September regarding our confirmation classes!

Year A

Module 1 – Old Testament Review
Module 2 – New Testament Review
Module 3 – God the Father
Module 4 – God the Son
Module 5 – God the Holy Spirit
Module 6 – The Lord’s Prayer

Year B

Module 7 – Lutheran Essentials: Law & Gospel (Part 1) – Commandments 1-3
Module 8 – Lutheran Essentials: Law & Gospel (Part 2) – Commandments 4-10
Module 9 – Lutheran Essentials: Word & Sacrament – Baptism + Communion
Module 10 – I Believe: The Creed & the Church
Module 11 – Christian H.A.B.I.T.S. (Spiritual Disciplines)
Module 12 – Living with Others (Family, Friendships, Right Relationships)


Grades 9-12

All high school age youth (grades 9–12) are invited to be a part of HSM (Good Shepherd’s High School Ministry). High school youth are encouraged to take part in the many events and opportunities (spiritual, social, and/or service oriented) planned throughout the year.

HSM 630

HSM 630, our High School Youth Night, is held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the Youth Room. All high school youth and their friends are invited to join us for this twice-a-month gathering. Each HSM 630 will be a different experience, so come often be a part of this great community!


All high school youth are encouraged to be a part of our Sunday Morning Bible Study and grow deeper in their faith and understanding of the Christian life. This casual, conversational, affirming, and informative gathering meets online now. Email Youth Ministry Facilitator Holly Vanderhoof to join in. 

Work Camp

Workcamp is our annual HSM Summer Mission Trip. This is a long-standing tradition for youth at Good Shepherd, and a highlight of the year for many of our teens. Workcamp is a transformative week of "hands-on" service, bonding, fun, and worship with youth from all over the country. During this week, participants will serve deserving residents of a community through home repair, light construction and carpentry, painting, and so much more. They will also get a chance to work as a team, building friendships that will last for years to come. If you've been a part of Workcamp before, you know how life-changing this event can be...and if you've never been, don't miss this opportunity to see for yourself what an awesome experience it truly is!