Possible INOVA Blood Drive
Good Shepherd wants to host an INOVA Blood Drive on Sunday, March 30. To book the Bloodmobile we need at least 35 people to indicate they’re interested in donating whole blood, red blood cells or plasma. We have until Friday, February 14, to collect signatures; after that INOVA will release the date to other hosts. We received 9 signatures on paper at the Ministry Fair, so we need at least 26 more.
After we've reached 35+ signatures we will lock in the date and schedule with INOVA, and we can start signing up for time slots. Help us get this blood drive off the ground. THANK YOU!
LINK TO SIGNUP https://grow.withlome.com/a/ce6f25b3-c876-4b43-ba06-5a81495c1834
LINK TO Who is eligible to donate blood? Eligibility - Inova Blood Donor Services
LINK TO FAQs about blood donation Frequently Asked Questions - Inova Blood Donor Services