Pastoral Letter (November 27)

Advent 2021
Once again, it’s time for that special part of the year, my seventh one shared with you.
In one month, we will hear those beautiful words about giving glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward each other (Luke 2). Yes, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! I hope that Covid and other challenges don’t sink your spirits, as we look to Christ’s coming, arrival, crucifixion, and resurrection! Baby Jesus’ victory is one we share for life everlasting. Amen.
With all of the sundry strong opinions in our congregation, it was a wonder that our staff and board reached a substantial consensus regarding a new Sunday morning schedule. Normally, the board would not be involved with operational decisions, since our governance is policy management. However, I intentionally sought the board’s early input, since during COVID-19, more operational decisions have had policy implications than pre-pandemic. I didn’t have to involve the board with our current rules in governance, but I did, trying to exercise goodwill and advance our mission in the name of His peace.
Everyone in the GSLC Community Is Important
However, I hope that, now, you will all have a generous heart and be at peace and summon your goodwill. Instead of “cutting out” any significant item, we decided to add more services as well as in-person SS. Obviously we don’t know who will come to the SS classes for kids, since most parents have informed us (on the survey and outside the survey) that their families are not planning to come to in-person services or SS, until the whole family is “vaxxed.” And yes, we have discussed opening the nursery with our nursery staff, and they are willing to serve. We will make ready; the rest is up to the Holy Spirit working in and through you.
So here’s the age-old Lutheran question concerning all of these affirmatives: What does this mean? (1) Staff and volunteers will be stretched and expenses will increase somewhat as well. (2) This means that you will be called upon to be understanding and patient with us as we work out all the kinks on Sunday morning operations over the next months to come. (3) This also means that we are simply stepping out in faith, and asking you to exercise your churchmanship through goodwill. Rather than us reshaping Sunday mornings, it is apparent that God is doing so. It appears that He means for us to offer 3 services. We know that He has shaped our virtual, livestream, and podcast ministries, none of which we offered here, pre-pandemic. Indeed, the Lord uses even the pandemic to teach, equip, protect, and mold us. Thanks be to God!
God’s Mission Leads and We Follow
Mission doesn’t follow resources. Mission leads and resources follow. So that’s what we aim to do. We will stretch our resources. We will stretch our staff, core ministry leaders, and volunteers. We will ask the Lord of Mission for more volunteers and resources, while we move forward. He will provide.
- Your generous giving. In an age when congregations left and right are cutting staff and services, even closing their doors, etc., we are blessed with being in a position to reintroduce and add services and programs.
- The Lord allowing us to share the Message, our services, and our lives via Youtube, FaceBook Live, Vimeo, Podcasts, FaceBook, and Instagram with each other and so others, many of whom are unchurched or unreached.
- The super additions to our staff, core ministry leadership, and volunteers with whom I very much enjoy serving together.
- Our dedicated board members who continue to take on more than the usual load due to COVID-19 management.
- The health of our congregation. To date, no member of our congregation has passed on or been in deep trouble at a hospital ICU, due to COVID-19, so far. I have personally attended many funerals of members of other congregations as well as that of pastors, so I grieve about them as I give thanks for our health.
- Our musicians, singers, and music leaders willing to take the risk, take off their masks, and be in the loft in closer quarters. Many singers and musicians have been unwilling to head to the loft to sing, and that is understandable.
- A dedicated interim preschool director, and now a permanent one to carry the baton.
- Becoming one of the leading congregations in the area in feeding the hungry. As you know, one of Jesus’ most prominent commissions was to feed the hungry and help the needy.
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