
Giving at Good Shepherd

We give in response to all that God has done for us. By giving of our time and treasures, we expand the reach of God's work: supporting our ministry at Good Shepherd; missionaries overseas; local, national, and international assistance efforts; and more. 


Contact Business Manager Georgia Thorstenson, 703-437-5020, 

Ways To Give

There are many ways to give, including one-time gifts, recurring offerings, online, by text, by check, by credit card, stock and mutual fund transfers. See below for details about these options, as well as information about giving to the general fund or to our Above & Beyond (A&B) program.

Online Giving

Online giving options via Vanco include EFTs (Electronic Fund Transfers) and giving by credit card.

Get Started

Text to Give

You can now contribute to Good Shepherd by text! To get started, send a text to 833-761-1059and put the amount you would like to contribute in the text message box. Within a few minutes, you’ll receive a text with a link to register. Click the link to enter your cardholder name and debit or credit card information.

Once your registration is complete, you will receive a verification and a receipt of your donation.

For future giving, send a text with the amount you wish to give, and it will be processed automatically. You can even text “repeat” to make a recurring donation.

Give by Check

You may also still make your offerings by mailing checks to:

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
1133 Reston Ave.
Herndon, VA 20170

Above & Beyond

Opportunities for Designated Giving

Gifts to the sustained Above & Beyond program are just one way for us to acknowledge our willingness to hear God's call to do even more than we can imagine and to trust in Him to provide.

These gifts may be given in celebration of a life milestone; in honor or memory of a person; to advance an area of ministry that has touched your life; or just to respond to an area of need identified by Good Shepherd's ministry teams.

Take a look at the current Above & Beyond Catalog to see what opportunities are available. Check out our Vanco page to see an up-to-date assessment of funds received for each category.

God calls us to generous stewardship and the sacrificial giving of our time and our treasure. We thank God for your generosity, in advance.


Thrivent Choice Dollars

If you are a member of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and eligible for the Thrivent Choice giving program, we hope you'll remember Good Shepherd when designating your Choice Dollars. The Choice Dollars we receive from Thrivent Financial provide funds for additional ministry and service opportunities.

Flower Sponsorships for Worship Services

Flowers beautify our worship spaces and help us glorify God. You can help support the purchase of floral arrangements, plants, and greenery that are placed in our worship spaces by donating to the Flower Fund. You may give any amount to the fund, or you may choose to give $50 for an arrangement to commemorate a special event, anniversary, birthday, or other life event on a particular Sunday or Sundays.

Fill out the form below to sponsor flowers on Sundays or to pay for poinsettias for Advent and Christmas.

Pay either by check or through our online giving portal. Details are on the form.

Flower Sponsorship

I wish to sponsor flowers:

Payment Options

You may pay by check or online.

Make checks payable to GSLC and indicate on the Memo line if you are giving to the Flower Fund for a specific Sunday. Mail checks to the office or place them in the offering plate on Sunday morning.

To give online, go to our Giving page to access Vanco, our online giving portal.

Flowers for Sunday ($50 each arrangement)

Easter Sunday lilies and spring plants ($15 per plant)

Please indicate your dedications below. If you are sponsoring flowers for more than one occasion, type in your dedication and put the date in parentheses after the dedication text.

For example:

To the glory of God in honor of

Daughter's birthday (January 14); anniversary (May 14)