Joy at the Darkest Hour

Posted by Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on

The parable of the Ten Bridesmaids has an unmistakable message: We do not know when Jesus will return, so we must be prepared. Just as the bridegroom in the parable came at midnight, Jesus comes to comfort us and give us peace, even in our darkest hours. Join us for worship!

Before you begin watching the service, you may want to open the bulletin so you can follow along.

Please also fill out and submit our "virtual welcome card," which you will find by clicking here.

May you be blessed as you worship at home today and in the coming days.

November 8 worship service (Vimeo)
November 8 worship service (YouTube)
November 8 Kids' Message (Vimeo)
November 8 Kids' Message (YouTube)
Worship bulletin
Opening song: "Lift You High"