5Ws and 1H

When depicting any story, the first question any journalist asks is typically: who is my audience? Next the journalist gives the reader the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY, WHERE and HOW – or the 5Ws and 1H. Join us this Christmas Eve as Pastor Johann narrates the real story and events surrounding the birth of Jesus - with real times in history, actual places, and real people. The Christmas story, and the birth of Jesus, highlights less than ideal situations - with a long trip to Bethlehem and no lodging, but our God often works in less-than-ideal situations. In fact, God shines in these moments, bringing those without a relationship with Jesus to faith. The Christmas story results in glory to God and peace to us, resulting in the salvation that comes through Jesus as a gift from God. Because of Christmas, we do not have to live in fear. We live in freedom and hope, with love and faith upon His righteous life.
Before you begin watching the livestream service, you may want to open the bulletin so you can follow along.
Please also fill out and submit our "virtual welcome card," which you will find by clicking here.
May you be blessed as you worship at home today and in the coming days.
A link to this, and other, recorded services can be found in Sermons and Devotions. The recording of the 7:30 p.m. traditional candlelight service with Holy Communion will be available on Christmas day, barring technological difficulties.
NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS (from Sunday, December 22)
A web version is available here. Be sure to check out current Community Service news on the last page. There is a lot of information about ways you can help others right now. And take a look at the Serve page for more opportunities.
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