Preparation Prophet
In today’s gospel, Luke sets the stage for John the Baptist’s prophetic call by introducing an A-list of earthly powers. In sharp contrast to this A-list, John dressed in wild animal skins, eating locusts and wild honey, and calling people to redirect their faithfulness to a “Lord” utterly different from those in power. John’s message was not to repent for repentance’s sake, but rather directed to his hearers – with the promise of salvation – the forgiveness of sins. Join Pastor James as he focuses on John’s message of preparation and the things we, as Christians need to do if we are truly going to be ready for his coming. In doing so, we must first, and foremost, repent. Additionally, in answering John’s call to prepare, we need to be reminded of what and whom Advent is all about, as well as opening our hearts to receiving God’s grace. We need time to warm up – time to prepare for a new life in Christ. A life that begins with repentance, a commitment to right living and receiving God’s grace and mercy.
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May you be blessed as you worship at home today and in the coming days.
A link to this, and other, recorded services can be found in Sermons and Devotions. The recording of the 11:00 a.m. indoor service will be available on Sunday afternoon.
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