Speaking Truth to Power

Posted by Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on July 14, 2024

A founding principle of the United States is the freedom of religion, or the separation of church and state. This bedrock principle allows people to choose a position on religion, and ultimately undertake acts, personally or for the state, that are scandalous, immoral, or evil. How do we stay faithful in a world locked in endless cycles of death, destruction, and suffering? Join us today as Pastor Johann discusses how political authorities may regard religion as a “hobby,” and as long as it stays a “hobby” those who practice it are left alone. When religion goes past being “hobby,” things tend to get ugly fast. Something has to narrate a different story and point of view. That “something” is the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord. Only the Gospel has the power to let us hope for a vision of restored humanity, not a government or a particular regime. No matter how ugly events may be, our focus is to draw closer to God, encourage others in faith, and aiming for eternity with our loving heavenly Father.

Before you begin watching the livestream service, you may want to open the bulletin so you can follow along.

Please also fill out and submit our "virtual welcome card," which you will find by clicking here.

May you be blessed as you worship at home today and in the coming days.


July 14 livestream worship service -- 9:30 a.m. [YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook Live]

A link to this, and other, recorded services can be found in Sermons and Devotions. The recording of the 9:30 a.m. indoor service will be available on Sunday afternoon.


A web version is available here. Be sure to check out current Community Service news on the last page. There is a lot of information about ways you can help others right now. And take a look at the Serve page for more opportunities.

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