The Immanuel-Word

Words can be powerful; they can make or break people. When we consider our Lord God, His Word is strong, powerful, and reliable. Join us today as Pastor Johann discusses how “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” As God’s Word incarnate in Jesus comes into our world, He brings “Light and life to all he brings.” When God speaks, things happen. God’s Word equals activity. The incarnation message is powerful, it sacralizes the whole of creation, highlights the dignity of all human beings, reminds us that “God is with us,” and that through our embodied life we live out our faith together. Jesus is an inexhaustible source of grace, “grace upon grace.” The God of the incarnation is always with us from beginning to the end, as the Word dwells with his people not only in a specific time but also in eternity.
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May you be blessed as you worship at home today and in the coming days.
A link to this, and other, recorded services can be found in Sermons and Devotions. The recording of the 11:00 a.m. indoor service will be available on Sunday afternoon.
A web version is available here. Be sure to check out current Community Service news on the last page. There is a lot of information about ways you can help others right now. And take a look at the Serve page for more opportunities.
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