The Rugged, Wooden Cross

Since the altar is stripped and the paraments are gone, the wood of the altar and pulpit are fully exposed. On this Good Friday, and at Golgotha, all you see is wood! We are reminded of the agony and pain He suffered to remove your sin. Due to the sacrifice He uplifts sinners, raises the dead, and sweetens all agony and pain through the waters of your Baptism. Jesus Christ is your refuge and lifesaver, lightening every load and giving you eternal rest and the promise of peace.
Before you begin watching the livestream service, you may want to open the bulletin so you can follow along.
Please also fill out and submit our "virtual welcome card," which you will find by clicking here.
May you be blessed as you worship at home today and in the coming days.
A link to this, and other, recorded services can be found in Sermons and Devotions. The recording and podcast of the 7:30 p.m. indoor service will be available on Saturday, April 8, barring technical difficulties.
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