Midweek Recharge: Clear the Clutter
Dec 16, 2020

As part of your Advent preparation, think about getting rid of the gizmos and gadgets that take up space in our minds – worry, fear, complexity, chaos – and get back to basics: our calling to proclaim what God has done for us. In this new Midweek Recharge, “Clear the Clutter,” Pastor Johann urges us to set aside distractions and frills and to focus on the foundation of our faith.
At the end of devotion, the Sanctuary Choir provides music for you as you meditate on the message. The lyrics to the hymn are below.
Click here to see this Midweek Recharge on Vimeo
Click here to see this Midweek Recharge on YouTube
(This audio is from our podcast channel. Find all of our podcasts by searching for GSLCVA on your favorite podcast app.)
“Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”
Let all mortal flesh keep silence
And with fear and trembling stand
Ponder nothing earthly-minded
For with blessing in His hand
Christ our God to earth descending
Comes our homage to demand
King of kings yet born of Mary
As of old on earth He stood
Lord of lords in human vesture
In the body and the blood
He will give to all the faithful
His own self for heav’nly food
Rank on rank the host of heaven
Spreads its vanguard on the way
As the Light of Light descending
From the realms of endless day
Comes the pow’rs of hell to vanquish
As the darkness clears away
At His feet the six-winged seraph
Cherubim with sleepless eye
Veil their faces to the presence
As with ceaseless voice they cry
“Alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia Lord Most High!”
“Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence.” Text: Liturgy of St. James, 5th century; tr. Gerard Moultrie, 1829-1885. Tune: French, 17th century. Text and tune: Public domain. This arrangement by Robert A. Hobby, © 2010. Used by permission of MorningStar Music Publishers, Inc.