No GOATs Here

Sep 19, 2021

No GOATs Here

Preacher: Pastor Gary James

Series: Sunday Sermon


Are you competitive? Do you aim to be the greatest? Our culture, identity, and self-worth are often driven by being the greatest.  Join us today as Pastor James discusses how following Jesus will not lead you to success in being the greatest; it will lead you to service. Through service the true greatness of the Gospel can be seen. It is about love, self-giving, and God working through you to achieve the ultimate greatness.

This audio is from our podcast channel. Find all of our podcasts by searching for GSLCVA on your favorite podcast app.

For a video recording of our indoor worship service check out the links below:

  • September 19 recorded livestream service (Vimeo)
  • September 19 recorded livestream service (YouTube)
  • September 19 recorded livestream service (Facebook)

Note: No Kids' Message today due to Baptism. Please check out the Sunday Spark Blog for the family fun page and age specific lessons.

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