Nothing in All Creation

Jul 26, 2020

Nothing in All Creation

Passage: Romans 8:26-39

Preacher: Rev. Nils Niemeier

Series: Sermon

Keywords: faith


These days, it is easy to feel alone and afraid, overwhelmed by the constant changes we are subjected to during the coronavirus pandemic. The church has weathered many catastrophes and tribulations throughout its history, so the uncertainty we experience during the “new normal” is nothing new for Christians. The worries and fears caused by these storms lead us to ask: Are we actually alone? Will God abandon us? In this sermon, Rev. Nils Niemeier reminds us that we are in fact never alone, because God has promised that nothing in all creation can separate us from His love in Christ Jesus.

This audio is from our podcast channel. Find all of our podcasts by searching for GSLCVA on your favorite podcast app.

These sermons are recorded during our virtual worship services. Check out our Virtual Worship blog for links to these videos on Vimeo and YouTube.

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