Starting With One Tiny Seed   

Jun 15, 2021

Starting With One Tiny Seed    

Preacher: Pastor Jotham Johann

Series: Midweek Recharge


Like the tiny mustard seed growing into the greatest of all shrubs we cannot keep the Kingdom of God from growing. Pastor Johann discusses how God’s love is given to us freely and wildly. It is not something we have to wait for. You cannot halt it from coming. It is like the tiniest of mustard seeds that grows and engulfs the whole world like giant weeds. We are all a part of it, and we cannot keep the Kingdom of God from growing. 

The audio for this Midweek Recharge is the sermon from our June 13, 2021 outdoor worship service.

This audio is from our podcast channel. Find all of our podcasts by searching for GSLCVA on your favorite podcast app.

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