Stormy Waters - Calming Faith

Jun 20, 2021

Stormy Waters - Calming Faith

Preacher: Pastor Gary James


Storms are one of the most powerful and disruptive forces in creation.  And just as wind and rain storms disrupt lives, Pastor James in today’s message shares that one of the central questions in our lives here on earth is not how many storms we encounter. Rather the question we all must answer, just as the disciples were asked in today’s gospel, is whether we have faith to weather those storms. All of us will encounter storms and it is at such times that our faith will be critical. Just as Jesus calmed the water through words of peace for the disciples, He gives us those same calming words for our lives today.

This audio is from our podcast channel. Find all of our podcasts by searching for GSLCVA on your favorite podcast app.

For a video recording of our livestream worship services check out the links below:

  • June 20 recorded livestream service (Vimeo)
  • June 20 recorded livestream service (YouTube)
  • June 20 recorded livestream service (Facebook)

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