Tender, Sensitive Healing

Jun 27, 2021

Tender, Sensitive Healing

Passage: Mark 5:21-43

Preacher: Pastor Jotham Johann

Series: Sunday Sermon


Jesus cares for us during trying times and teaches us that we should not fear but believe in Him. God is love and care and it is God that is responsible for the strength and the support we need during trying times in our lives. With faith as the linchpin of our relationship with God, we are able to see that prayer is not just a solitary issue. It requires people who believe in you and intercede for each other.

This audio is from our podcast channel. Find all of our podcasts by searching for GSLCVA on your favorite podcast app.

For a video recording of our livestream worship services check out the links below:

  • June 27 recorded livestream service (Vimeo)
  • June 27 recorded livestream service (YouTube)

Note: Due to technical difficulties the Facebook Live recording for this service is not available.

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