The Sins of Omission

Apr 21, 2021

The Sins of Omission

Preacher: Pastor Jotham Johann

Series: Midweek Recharge


Sins aren't merely the sins we have committed. In fact, the sins of omission, or "what we have left undone," are just as serious. We share in the responsibility for a broken world that continues to show its fragility and volatility. The Gospel and the forgiveness offered through the Risen Lord is what covers the sins of commission and omission and renders us "perfect" before God. In this Midweek Recharge, Pastor Johann details how, when spurred by His grace and love, we fight the good fight, make a difference, and work courageously for justice and mending in a world that truly needs a Savior and His forgiveness and community.

Watch this Midweek Recharge on YouTube.

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