The Two Sides of Hospitality

Jun 28, 2020

The Two Sides of Hospitality

Passage: Matthew 10:40-42

Preacher: Pastor Jotham Johann

Series: Sermon

Keywords: witness, serve


In “The Two Sides of Hospitality,” Pastor Johann asks us to consider that hospitality is received as well as given—and that we might also experience hostility instead of hospitality as we carry God’s message to the people around us. But we are reminded that as we care for our neighbors, we see the face of Christ in them, and when others show us hospitality, they are seeing the face of Christ in us as well.

This audio is from our podcast channel. Find all of our podcasts by searching for GSLCVA on your favorite podcast app.

These sermons are recorded during our virtual worship services. Check out our Virtual Worship blog for links to these videos on Vimeo and YouTube.

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