Who Are Nothing, But Have Everything?

Oct 31, 2021

Who Are Nothing, But Have Everything?

Preacher: Pastor Jotham Johann

Series: Sunday Sermon


Have you ever had a problem and looked for a “Quick Fix” only to see the solution go awry? Instead of fixing the problem, we have somehow made it worse. A “Quick Fix” may seem to solve our earthly problems but prove disastrous for our sins, as it will not lead to real peace in our hearts. The only “Fix” to sin is Jesus Christ and His love for us. Join us today as Pastor Johann discusses how Reformation, not a quick fix, is the lasting solution to our problems.

This audio is from our podcast channel. Find all of our podcasts by searching for GSLCVA on your favorite podcast app.

For a video recording of our indoor worship service check out the links below:

  • October 31 recorded livestream service (Vimeo)
  • October 31 recorded livestream service (YouTube)
  • October 31 recorded livestream service (Facebook)

Today's Kids' Message can be found at approximately 29:50 in the recorded livestream service. Please check out the Sunday Spark Blog for the family fun page and age specific lessons.

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