Musical Rewind

If you have not attended our services or would like to hear some of our musical offerings, please check out our Anthems. Starting with Advent 2021 GSLC will provide a musical snapshot from one year prior, to include links to our Recorded Worship Links and Podcasts for recorded versions of the entire service that week.

Want to know more about our Music Ministry? Check out our Music page or Email Anne Lee to find out how to join the sanctuary choir.

Explore even services on our Vimeo and YouTube channels.

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Resources for Families and Kids

FAMILIES: Check out the Family Resources section on our Kids' Ministry page, and our Sunday Spark blog, where you'll find new Kids' Sunday School materials --Sunday Spark @ Home -- each week and links to our weekly Kids' Message. 

Click here for information about holding a family worship service at home.

Want to be a part of the Sunday Spark @ Home bunch? Want even more Sunday School resources? Email Holly Vanderhoof!

MSM & HSM @ Home

This group now meets online. Email Holly Vanderhoof

Adult Education

Ladies Bible Study - "Inspired by the Holy Spirit"

Heidi Cooper will be holding a Bible study every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. starting on May 10, studying Christina Hergenrader’s book Inspired by the Holy Spirit. For more info on this teleconference contact: 

Sign up by emailing Michele Clair:  .


Word Workers: "The Christ Key"

A Life Group, hosted by Melinda DeWan, that meets via a teleconference platform on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The purpose of the group is to develop close relationships while sharing the spiritual journey.

This year the group will be studying The Christ Key by Chad Bird. Word Workers welcomes all who would like to join!

Sign up by emailing the church office:   .

Prayers and blessings

Pastor Johann has made a number of videos and podcasts consisting of prayers and blessings. Here are the links to the videos:

Mealtime Prayers and Blessings (Vimeo) (YouTube)
Prayers during the Pandemic, Part 1 (Vimeo(YouTube)
Prayers during the Pandemic, Part 2 (Vimeo (YouTube)
Prayers during the Season of Hurricanes and Wildfires (Vimeo(YouTube)

You can find our podcasts by searching for GSLCVA on your favorite podcast app.