November 2022 Anthems

Music is at the heart of worship. Worship services provide many opportunities for everyone in the congregation to lift their voices in praise. Our choirs and instrumentalists provide support for congregational singing and add to the service with anthems and other special music.
Are you interested in our musical offerings? Would you like to hear anthems and selected music from previous services? Please see the following Anthems from services past, to include links to the Recorded Worship Services.
Stay tuned as we share our Anthems during Advent, Christmas, Lent, Pentecost, and beyond.
All Saints Sunday, 2022:
"We Are Surrounded" by Joseph M. Martin.
Performed by the Sanctuary Choir.
twenty-third sunday after pentecost, 2022:
“There Is a Balm in Gilead" arr. Theron W. Kirk.
Performed by the Sanctuary Choir.
christ the king, 2022:
“Beautiful Savior” by Dan LaMaestra.
Performed by Dan LaMaestra (piano).
“Crown Him with Many Crowns” arr. D. N. Johnson.
Performed by the Sanctuary Choir.
thanksgiving eve, 2022:
“The King of Love My Shepherd Is" arr. Dan LaMaestra.
Performed by Bruno Nasta (Violin) and Dan LaMaestra (Piano).
first sunday of advent, 2022:
“Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooking" arr. Richard Walters
Performed by Brenna McFarland (soprano) and Tatiana Loisha (piano).
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