Join us as Pastor Johann discusses living a life full of Thanksgiving. God is our master and we should live a life centered on His kingdom and His righteousness. By seeking what God wants, and letting him take care of us, we have no reason to be anxious, fear the future, or worry as He will...
When thinking of a king do you think of someone who is on top of the world? Someone with final approval? and complete control? Jesus is our Savior and our King. Yet he was a different kind of king not focused on popularity and controlling nations. Instead, He was willing to give of himself, and...
As humans we are capable adapting to circumstances and living on the edge. In our day to day activities we have trials and tribulations; where as time goes by we grow comfortable, even numb to potential danger. Join us today as Pastor James discusses a different edge, how to be alert, be...
On All Saints Day we commemorate those who have gone before us to the Lord. We mourn them, give thanks for their lives on earth, and celebrate their victory in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Join us today as Pastor Johann discusses how God is making all things new. A new heaven, a new earth...
Have you ever had a problem and looked for a “Quick Fix” only to see the solution go awry? Instead of fixing the problem, we have somehow made it worse. A “Quick Fix” may seem to solve our earthly problems but prove disastrous for our sins, as it will not lead to real...
What is Christian love? We as Christians are called to love other people. Yet, defining what love is can be difficult. Join us today as Pastor James discusses love through the lens of Jesus and his encounter with the blind beggar Bartimaeus. Jesus shows us that Christian love means to treasure...
Do you ever ask “W.I.I.F.M. -What’s In It For Me?” Our society thrives off of a free-market system as we “shop” to find items that meet our needs. In our quest for salvation, we may “church shop” to meet our perceived needs. Join us today as Pastor James...
Whatever we love most, and most fear losing, is our functional god. Focusing too much on money can become a form of “religion.” Do you have faith in yourself, your status, and your money? Or do you trust the God who comes to you in Jesus and asks you to forsake all and follow him?...
Jesus says: “Let the little children come to Me...” This invitation is for children of all ages, whether you are 2 or 102, the children of God. Join us today as Pastor James discusses how we are in an ongoing process of being taught. By coming to Him, the Lord of Life, we can be...
Sometimes we do not focus on the most important things. We become fixated on what is happening around us, rather than looking inward at ourselves. Our actions and words become stumbling blocks. We not only harm ourselves but become a distraction to others making them stumble. Are you a stumbling...