Our Lenten Wednesday messages this year feature monologues given by various biblical figures. In this service we remember that, on the road to Damascus, Paul had his worldview turned upside down when God called him to preach the name of the Christ he had been persecuting. We follow God’s...
We usually think of Jesus as gentle and calm. But in today’s Gospel, Jesus is angry and throws people and animals out of the temple. His anger was fueled by the way the religious leaders of the day mistreated people who were at the temple to offer sacrifices and to worship. Jesus took...
Our Lenten Wednesday messages this year feature monologues given by various biblical figures. In this service, we remember that, in humility, Mary dutifully accepted the role God had given her to become the mother of our Savior. That Son, Jesus, would faithfully follow the path his Father had in...
We usually think of Jesus as gentle and calm. But in today’s Gospel, Jesus is angry and throws people and animals out of the temple. His anger was fueled by the way the religious leaders of the day mistreated people who were at the temple to offer sacrifices and to worship. Jesus took...
Our Lenten Wednesday messages this year feature monologues given by various biblical figures. In this service we remember that King David followed God’s will to shepherd his people, but often failed to live up to God’s dream for him. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, fulfills...
We’re all familiar with the idea of having baggage in our lives: burdens we carry with us and are hard to set down or walk away from. Christians think about another type of burden: a cross to bear. In this message, “Your Own Luggage,” Pastor Johann says that one way to think...
Our Lenten Wednesday messages this year feature monologues given by various biblical figures. In this service for the first Wednesday of Lent, we listen to Moses as he recalls his reluctance to tell Pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. But God gave Moses the confidence to...
Temptation: We all face it. Each and every day, Satan is right there offering us a full plate of sin-filled temptation. In today’s Gospel we find Jesus being tempted face-to-face with the devil in the wilderness. God was there for Jesus to ward off the devil and his crafty temptations. And...
Our Lenten Wednesday messages this year feature monologues given by various biblical figures. In this Ash Wednesday service, we hear Isaac recall the time his father, Abraham – trusting that the Lord would provide, knowing that God can do the impossible – was prepared to offer Isaac...
Today we hear about the dazzling brightness of Jesus during His transfiguration. We also hear that many of us are blind to the glory of Christ, and that the truth about His saving grace is hidden behind a thick veil of unbelief and defiant distrust. Why do we prefer this veil to the pure truth...